High five! 2 start-ups of the ESA BIC Hessen & Baden-Württemberg among top 10 of ESA Startup competition, 5 among top 50

Xylene and ConstellR have been selected by ESA experts to be among the 10 best startups of 101 valid proposals. They can now reach one of the first three places and with it the chance to attend the Global Space Congress as well as to receive mentoring. Deep Blue Globe, HOSTmi and Panda Insight are among the top 50 startups shortlisted by ESA.

Copyright: contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2019), processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

"We are very excited about this nomination and continue our dedication towards building a trustworthy traceability for international raw material supply chains", states Xylene on their LinkedIn channel. Xylene offers a transparency and traceability solution for producers and importers of products with regulated raw materials, to take control over their supply chain and comply with legislations and certifications and protect their brand reputation. Xylene combines space technology and blockchain to create transparency. The approach is a combination of supply chain mapping, risk assessment, product flow traceability and customer engagement.

ConstellR highlights that the nomination "brings us one step closer to showcase our startup during the Global Space Congress, scheduled to take place in Abu Dhabi in May 2021" (ConstellR LinkedIn). ConstellR is a joint spin-off from German Fraunhofer and the German Aerospace Center and wants to answer the increasing need for Land Surface Temperature data as well as drastically improve humankind's capability to timely act on emerging environmental challenges.

For all the participating startups space technology and/or the space market are essential. Deep Blue Globe developed a solution called POSEIDON that optimises the journey of ships from regional to international routes. HOSTmi is an online B2B platform for the matchmaking process between space-payload owners and space-service providers. Panda Insight is developing an integral health and fitness apps to help people reach their goals.

About the competition

The ESA Startup competition was open for applications from the ESA Member States, looking for innovative ideas for future services and/or products using space technology. The assessment of the proposals was based on the categories 'startup team', 'competitiveness and economic viability of the business model' and its 'impact on society'. A team of ESA experts has selected the best ideas.

What’s next

The first ten startups now have the chance to pitch their ideas by each sending a video to the delegates of ESA’s Industrial Policy Committee before a final selection of three winners will take place. These winning proposals will receive expert advice through a mentoring grant and the chance to promote their ideas during the Global Space Congress event (see ESA website).