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GNMG'22 ist abgesagt

Liebe Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer,
liebe Interessierte an der GNMG'22,

leider mussten wir uns dazu entschließen die Konferenz am 20.6.2022, im ESOC in Darmstadt abzusagen.

e.Ray-team celebrating their double-win at the Galileo Masters 2021, ©e.Ray
e.Ray-team celebrating their double-win at the Galileo Masters 2021, ©e.Ray

On Tuesday 14 December 2021 the top entrepreneurs from the global space innovation competitions Copernicus Masters and Galileo Masters 2021 were presented in a festive pitching and award ceremony! Among them were our regional Hesse Prize winners, as well as a big surprise ...