WEkEO - Copernicus earth observation data
The offer
WEkEO offers the data access for all data of the earth observation program Copernicus. You can access satellite data and thematic datasets for climate, atmosphere, emergency monitoring, marine and land. View and download the data using the WEkEO viewer or use python/R to access the data.
Programmatic data access is provided through the Harmonized data access API.
Using the WEkEO JupyterHub, you have access to your own workspace with 20 GB of disk storage, Jupyter Lab, RStudio and more data processing and visualization tools suitable for first prototyping and getting started with your hackathon project. Additionally, the WEkEO Jupyter Catalogue offers a variety of training materials in the form of Jupyter Notebooks to get you started with the WEkEO tools, and earth observation data analysis.
Free online courses
You'll find some free online courses (registrations on coresponding platforms necessary) that provide insights into various topics in order to tackle climate change.
Some helpful websites providing insights into climate change
Tools + Ressources
Here you will find useful resources such as canvas templates and others.