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Bildquelle: Klambeck, cesah GmbH
ESA BIC manager Donata visits "her" startups

ESA BIC manager Donata cares about "her" startups. So she visits them to see if they are doing well. Her first destination: HUB31, a technology and foundation center in Darmstadt. Next to TIZ, where cesah/ESA BIC Hessen & Baden-Württemberg is located, HUB31 is the "place to be" for ESA BIC startups. Three of them have an office there at the moment.

Bildquelle: Zimmermann, cesah GmbH
HOSTmi wins 2nd prize of INNOspace Masters’ Airbus challenge

Our startup HOSTmi has won the second prize of the Airbus Challenge of the INNOspace Masters. They pitched and were awarded at the official conference in Berlin on 3rd July 2019. This success enables them to deepen their talks with Airbus and – hopefully – to soon add them to their list of service providers. 

Bildquelle: Lenhardt, cesah GmbH
ESA IF 2019– what the participants say

Rainer Horn (SpaceTec Capital): „Thanks for the organisation of what was probably the best ever ESA investment forum. Good companies, well pitch-trained, great timekeeping.“

Jörg Bartsch (Business Angel): „Eine gelungene Veranstaltung und viele interessante Gäste“

Dr. Manu Lubrano (INVOLI): “Thanks guys for the incredible event!”

Bildquelle: Lenhardt, cesah GmbH
That was the 10th ESA Investment Forum 2019

Entrepreneurship and Investment in Space

Investment, entrepreneurship and space are for itself broad subjects. But together these three still form a niche in Germany. In order to change this and to foster investment in space innovations the European Space Agency (ESA), High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH (HTGF) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) organised the 10th ESA Investment Forum at ESA/ESOC in Darmstadt on 31st January 2019.